Monday, December 1, 2008

Black Friday is over and many people went crazy trying to buy that over priced sales item which they thought was a bargain. Some even went so nuts that they killed a man trying to protect a pregnant woman. What kind of world are we living in?
After Black Friday comes Cyber Monday. Here is where you can buy things on line that have been over priced and then reduced to make you think that you are getting a good deal. If you don't have enough sense to stay out of the foolish crowd then I can't help you.
Some times the little things in life bug me. For instance, I opened a new bar of Dial soap. I noticed something strange about it that I have not seen before. I began to think about all of the bars of dial soap that I have opened before. Years ago the bar was rounded up on each side to form a nice large convex bar. Then I remembered a few years later when I opened a bar of Dial soap it was no longer convex but it was flat. To my surprise the bar I opened today was concave on both sides but it was made to look as though it was not as small as it really is. On one side it was concave length wise, on the other side it was concave width wise. The question is why? The obvious answer is duh... to cheat me out of soap and hope that I would not notice. Then they have the brass to increase the price because it is a new and improved design. I think I need to find a new brand of soap.

Maybe later I will write other things that bug me but now I need to go.
Richard Rambling on

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Here it is Thanksgiving night. The turkey and all the trimmings have become leftovers and I am writing again on this blog.

I have found out what a blog is. It is actually a contraction of web log. A place that I can publish on the web anything that I want to say.

Tomorrow is Black Friday people will be going to their favorite store to purchase an item they they think is on sale. They will even go at 2:00 - 3:00 AM to be the first to get that great deal. I think that it is all hoax. The merchants create a feeding frenzy by jacking up the price of the latest, favorite toy then lowering it to make unsuspecting customers think that they are getting a good deal. It is like raising the gas price then lowering it to a higher average price than it was before then we think we are getting a good deal.

While thinking about gas prices with it down as low as it is now I find it both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing that I can fill my tank for about $75.00 whereas it took about $150.00 when the price was higher. But the lower price brings a curse.
1. There is more traffic on the road and
2. Since gas is cheaper no one wants to find more oil or alternate fuel.

Back to Black Friday. I can be thankful that I am not affected by Black Friday. Unlike many gullible people I don't buy nor do I have anything to sell on that day. My newspaper this morning was the size of two Sunday papers. It was so heavy with advertisements I needed to bring it in the house with a hand truck. On the front page was a schedule to map out your shopping day by the Trib. time line.

Well, Black Friday only comes once a year so enjoy it while you can.

Rambling on,


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I have been told many times that I need to create a blog. Well here I am. I was brought kicking and screaming to this blog sight. I don't even know what blog means! Yes here I am kicking and screaming resisting this blog with every brain cell, sinew, and emotional objection that I can muster.

Yesterday was January 1, 2008 today is November 26, 2008 where did the year go? The day before Thanksgiving planning a big day tomorrow. My wife is baking bread, cookies, and cake trying to fatten me up I guess. Then I will take all the fat to our son's house for a family Thanksgiving where I will pick up some more fat and then waddle home.

I like the holiday season,Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. It is a time that we are reminded to be thankful to God for all that we have, A time to remember that the Savior came into the world, and a time to recommit ourselves to a new year.
We always promise ourselves that this new year will be different. So by the time that Thanksgiving 2009 is here our lives will be completely changed. We will have more love, we will have done more to help our fellow man, and we will be more committed to God.
But in reality we will probably be at the same level that we are in 2008. But we keep on trying.
I will come back again to write something better the next time and maybe I won't be kicking so hard or screaming so loud.

For now

unrundad- Richard's Ramblings