Thursday, November 27, 2008

Here it is Thanksgiving night. The turkey and all the trimmings have become leftovers and I am writing again on this blog.

I have found out what a blog is. It is actually a contraction of web log. A place that I can publish on the web anything that I want to say.

Tomorrow is Black Friday people will be going to their favorite store to purchase an item they they think is on sale. They will even go at 2:00 - 3:00 AM to be the first to get that great deal. I think that it is all hoax. The merchants create a feeding frenzy by jacking up the price of the latest, favorite toy then lowering it to make unsuspecting customers think that they are getting a good deal. It is like raising the gas price then lowering it to a higher average price than it was before then we think we are getting a good deal.

While thinking about gas prices with it down as low as it is now I find it both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing that I can fill my tank for about $75.00 whereas it took about $150.00 when the price was higher. But the lower price brings a curse.
1. There is more traffic on the road and
2. Since gas is cheaper no one wants to find more oil or alternate fuel.

Back to Black Friday. I can be thankful that I am not affected by Black Friday. Unlike many gullible people I don't buy nor do I have anything to sell on that day. My newspaper this morning was the size of two Sunday papers. It was so heavy with advertisements I needed to bring it in the house with a hand truck. On the front page was a schedule to map out your shopping day by the Trib. time line.

Well, Black Friday only comes once a year so enjoy it while you can.

Rambling on,


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